TEI Produces Six Films for CHRISTUS Health

Scene from a film series produced for CHRISTUS Health

We’re excited to have CHRISTUS Health back for a series of six films. CHRISTUS is an international Catholic-based health system and one of our favorite clients. We’ll be telling heartwarming retirement stories about executives who are leaving at the end of the year.

“I’m so excited to be partnering up with CHRISTUS Health again,” said producer Scott Takeda. “In previous years, we’ve traveled with them to France and around the country to produce documentaries and inspirational films. Their mission is all about doing good, and they really live by it.”

We’re still putting together the creative team for this project, however it’s led by BI Worldwide and their agency team of executive producer Pat Skelly, line producer Beth Evans, video producer Mallory Walker, and creative director Dain Dunston. So far on the TEI side, Takeda produces, Lori Kay Allred directs and writes, Guy Hernandez shoots, Glen Acker does sound, Denise Ozawa edits and Jason McDaniel handles our post production sound.


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