TEI Produces Quickturn Webcast for Lilly

This month, Takeda Entertainment teams up again with the agency folks at BI Worldwide out of Minneapolis to produce another informational film for Eli Lilly Pharmacueticals. Our focus will be to provide important 3rd Quarter information to their sales group.

“We’re trying to find ways to be cost effiicient for Eli Lilly and still be able to tell an effective story,” said director Scott Takeda. “The creative director and executive producer came up with a great idea of doing a mini-newscast that Lilly can distribute online. We’ll be shooting it with local Indianapolis crews later this week, and working through the July 4th weekend to get it ready.”

The small yet effective creative team for this quick-turn project includes Damon Schoening (executive producer), Tom Nusbaum (creative director/writer), Takeda (producer), Laura Cohen (production manager), Brock Sherman (art director), and Zlatko Makic (audio post).


Takeda Entertainment Produces Five Films for CHRISTUS Health


Takeda Entertainment Tackles Kinetic Typography Project