TEI Produces Three heartfelt healthcare Films
Our creative team is in post production for three documentary-style films highlighting a new drug by Astellas Pharma and Medivation, Inc, and how it’s helping cancer patients and their families. Our story focus is how this new drug is giving families more quality time to enjoy their lives.
“This was a storytelling challenge,” said director Scott Takeda. “At the time we were shooting, the drug hadn’t been approvd by the FDA, so we had to adjust how we worked in the field. For example we had to stop our interviews in places since there were limitations on what people could say; and there were some shots we couldn’t get. However limitations often make us more creative, and I think the crews did a great job overcoming the challenges. The pieces are very emotional and inspirational. And I think the client will be very happy.”
Our creative team includes Nicole Buekers (executive producer), Colin Paolo (creative director), Tom Nusbaum (creative director), Takeda (director and writer), Brian Tiell (cinematographer), Brock Sherman (art director), and Zlatko Makic (post audio).